Serdecznie zapraszamy do wzięcia udziału w wykładzie online pod tytułem “Benthic foraminifera: their diversity and role in deep-sea ecosystems”, który wygłosi prof. Andrew J. Gooday (National Oceanography Centre - Southampton, UK). Wykład stanowi część serii “AMU Invited Lecture Series in Marine Geosciences I” organizowanej przez Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu w ramach programu ID UB UAM. Wykład odbędzie się w czwartek (18 maja) o godzinie 16:30 na platformie MS Teams (link: ). Wykład i otwarta dyskusja po wykładzie będą w języku angielskim.

Informacja o wykładowcy i wykładzie:

Professor Gooday is the author of 223 papers (H=57) focused mainly on foraminifera and deep-sea environments. He has broad interests in the biodiversity, biogeography and ecology of modern benthic foraminifera, xenophyophores, and gromiids (testate protists). Andrew Gooday is an undisputed authority in these areas. He is mainly interested in deep-sea environments, species taxonomy, marine ecology, and linkages between biotic and abiotic factors. He serves as Associate Editor of Deep-Sea Research I journal. Nowadays, he works on foraminiferal biodiversity and biogeography combining classical morphological methods with modern molecular approaches to define species ranges more precisely.


Foraminifera are a major group of shell-bearing (testate) protists that have an outstanding fossil record and are widely used as proxies for environmental conditions in ancient oceans. However, foraminifera are also very important constituents of modern marine benthic ecosystems and often constitute a dominant faunal group in deep-sea environments. In this talk, I will review what is known about their biodiversity and likely ecological roles in deep-sea habitats, particularly on the vast abyssal plains that occupy much of the deep ocean floor.